Full Agenda


December 4

Diamond Sponsor Speaker - INdigital

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Eastern

Jennifer Poole, ENP - Senior Account Manager, INdigital

Session: Finding a family and home in 911
14 years in a dark 911 center, feeling alone and lost in a profession and job I loved so much. It's often that we spend so much time dealing with the worst day of someone's life, so how do we find the rainbow in a very thankless profession? We do it by finding our family and home in the community of 911 heroes all over! Spend a few minutes learning how to meet like minded professionals that you can count on the dark days and the bright ones. Family that will cheer you on no matter what.

A community built of unsung heroes! Which includes YOU!

December 4

Diamond Sponsor Session - INdigital

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Eastern

Fabricio Velez - Director of Interoperability & Standards, INdigital
Explore the pivotal role of NG9-1-1 and PSBN in next-gen emergency services response, ensuring rapid, reliable, and efficient assistance in all situations. Learn about the network architecture requirements for seamless end-to-end IP-based emergency communications, the collaborative efforts between NG9-1-1 and PSBN in enhancing emergency response and citizens' well-being, and the comprehensive end-to-end requirements for total conversation emergency communications.

December 4

3 Superpowers: Guaranteed Success to Work and Home

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Eastern

Keynote Speaker:
Joe Serio - Founder, The 360 Degree Dispatcher
Countless distractions, addictions, and interruptions. Frustration, exhaustion, and burn out. Life seems to be moving faster than ever, and we seem to have far less control than ever. There's only one way to take control: From the inside out. This session lays out three superpowers that are guaranteed to change your life...if you're brave enough to embrace them.

December 4

Fostering a Purpose-Driven Culture in the ECC

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Eastern

Dr. Andre Jones, ENP - Assistant Executive Director, Hamad Med Corp

In 9-1-1 emergency dispatch, fostering a purpose-driven culture is crucial for enhancing employee well-being, engagement, and performance. It connects employees with the organization's mission, fueling their dedication to delivering top-notch emergency services. Join us to explore strategies for cultivating a purpose-driven culture in this high-pressure field. Learn how purpose can boost teamwork and resilience, ultimately benefiting employee well-being and effectiveness.

December 4

Meet a Small Agency with a Big Impact

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Ruth Lagerquist, ENP - Sheridan County 9-1-1, MT

Although our agency is pretty small, I think we make a big impact on our community. Here's what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. I will share tips on our social media presence, highlight agency events, give you a history of our mobile PSAP, make you jealous with our mascot (he's a star!), share ideas on 911 public outreach, and pass on hints of what is to come. We may be tiny, but we are large and in charge!

December 4

Characters of Castmates - Who is running your center?

1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Eastern

Rebekah Biedermann, ENP, CMCP - Communications Supervisor, La Verne PD, CA
Leslie Whitham, ENP, CMCP - Training & Engagement Lead, RapidSOS

Is your shift like a day with the Seven Dwarfs? Does Maleficent try to take over? How do you keep Eeyore from depressing Tigger? Learning from the Disney model of seeing their staff as “Cast Members” instead of employees, we will look at ways to take the characters in our center and help them become leaders who live and support the mission of public service.

December 4

No Bad Teachers: What We Can Learn From Bad Bosses, Lazy Leaders, and Touchy Trainers

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern

Samantha Hawkins - QA Evaluator, Moetivations

You've probably heard it said before that people don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses...So what can we learn about retention in our PSAPs from the mistakes of leaders who can't competently lead and passionless trainers? In this session, we explore some of the most effective (and ineffective) strategies for building trust as a supervisor, manager, or Director. From how to treat your team players to how to deliver feedback that truly makes an impact to knowing how to tap into a person's "why."

December 4

Lead Loud

3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Eastern

Roxy VanGundy, ENP, RPL - Director, Lyon CO, KS

911 often puts itself into very tight boxes about what we can and can't be. We complain about what is, but often don't give ourselves the latitude to imagine more. How can we dream bigger, reach farther and change ourselves and our 911 center? By leading loudly. In this session we will take on misconceptions about ourselves, our leadership and our work and take the chance to reimagine what we can be.

December 4

After the Greatness - Live Broadcast

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m Eastern

Ricardo Martinez II - Within the Trenches Media

After the Greatness is a live broadcast that can be watched on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The show recaps the days events and will include Diamond Sponsor guests.

December 5

Are you there? It’s me.

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Eastern

Morrissa Ahl-Moyer - CTO, NC State Highway Patrol
Often, we become so consumed with our daily responsibilities, including being a dispatcher, a significant other, a parent, a caretaker, or other roles, that we may lose our sense of self in the process. This course focuses on identifying events that can trigger an identity crisis, exploring the factors that contribute to it, and providing strategies to navigate through it and rediscover our true selves. The class aims to help individuals achieve their best selves by gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their needs.

December 5

Gold Sponsor Vendor Hall Session

9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Eastern

Doug & Jill Showalter - Showalter & Company

Session: What’s the secret of great training? We’ll show you the Showalter-difference
Training is not just learning facts; it's also inspiring and motivating. Our classes and presentations are delivered with a mix of information, humor, real experiences, and a fresh new perspective centered on a positive and empowering message. We offer unmatched training experience for all members of your organization.

December 5

Silver Sponsor Vendor Hall Session

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Eastern

Shannon Polito, ENP - Founder, Help for the Headest

Session: Undoing the Damage of the Compartmentalization Culture
First responders adopt a culture of compartmentalization, suppressing the impact of their job and experiences. This has led to immense stress and unacknowledged trauma injuries. Listening to our bodies is vital to reduce further stress and trauma.

December 5

Bronze Sponsor Vendor Hall Session

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Eastern

Jamison Peevyhouse - VP of Public Safety, RapidSOS

Session: Better Workflows for High Impact/Low Occurrence Events
This year, the 9-1-1 industry has faced several incredibly difficult High Impact/Low Occurrence events. During this session, we will highlight the enormous impacts these events place upon the Telecommunicator, deepen understanding of how these incidents unfold, and highlight improvements for the workflows during these disasters. Every solution highlighted in this presentation is free to any ECC in the U.S. and Canada.

December 5

There’s No Success Without Conflict

11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Eastern

Dawn Shumway, DDP-Q - Manager, Ada County Sheriff’s Office, ID
Conflict can seem like a 4 letter word, which is why the number one reaction is avoidance. Surrounding yourself with only 'yes people' is easy in the short run, but it actually cripples us in the long run. Dare to be great and challenge yourself to push your boundaries, your limits, and mentally prepare to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. After all, there's no growth in the comfort zone. Chase those dreams no matter how far they may seem out of reach, challenge your own beliefs and views, and then be ready to be boldly confident and decisive when you need to be.

December 5

Brave Conversations - Navigate Conflict with Confidence

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Eastern

Cindy Sparrow - CEO, Cindy Sparrow International
We face life & death decisions every day in our work… but having that difficult conversation with a coworker, direct report, or boss... no thank you. Conflict can be scary to navigate when the relationship is important and the stakes and emotions are high. Learn strategies to navigate conflict with confidence and turn challenges into productive outcomes.

December 5

But What Happened Next?

1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Eastern

Michelle Lilly, Ph.D - Lilly Counseling and Consulting
Among the many challenges that 9-1-1 telecommunicators face is not knowing what happened to callers after the call ends. For reasons discussed in this presentation, humans typically have a preference for stories that are complete. Recent data showing the psychological impacts of not knowing the outcome of critical calls for 9-1-1 telecommunicators will be presented, followed by discussion of strategies that individuals and organizations can use to address, prevent, and overcome the distress of not knowing what happened next.

December 5

Stress Management and YOU

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eastern

Rhianna Missman - Training Division, SLVECC, UT
Trevicas Holm - Training Division, SLVECC, UT
Stress Management and YOU focuses on how to recognize burnout and how to implement healthy stress management strategies over maladaptive ones for frontline emergency communications centers and other public safety personnel. This course will assist you and your team by bringing to light better awareness, resources, and action items to balance the effects of high stress environments to support overall mental health.

December 5

Surround Yourself with Good People: Saving people on and off the job

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Eastern

Johnna Gonzalez-Sells - Communications Coordinator, Franklin County EMA, OH
‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’ We are conditioned and trained to watch out for our community, callers, and field responders, but how do we stay safe when we are out training or traveling? It is important to have a plan as you begin to put yourself out there, so when those ‘bad actors’ and ‘bad days’ land at your feet you will know how to respond to keep yourself safe. Personal safety planning needs to be part of your professional development and planning. Taking from some unfortunate personal lessons, we will cover some potential issues you may encounter as you begin to grow and travel and some preventative measures you can take to keep yourself and your peers safe. My hope is that you will take some simple but invaluable ideas from the session so that you can feel confident and secure on the job and off.

December 5

After the Greatness - Live Broadcast

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Eastern


After the Greatness is a live broadcast that can be watched on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The show recaps the days events and will include Diamond Sponsor guests.

December 6

‘Yes Tracy, You Have Breast Cancer’

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Eastern

Keynote Speaker:
Tracy Ertl - Founder, HeroLight Training
30+ years in 9-1-1 uniquely equipped me for the battle of 2023 with an enemy I never thought I would face. I'm one of the lucky ones. I was saved. The aftermath is a 9-1-1 truth, a raw authenticity and desire to live for today. I am thrilled to share with my thin gold line brothers and sisters all the GIFTS that came from the battle and how to incorporate them in every life. Our industry needs 9-1-1 professionals secure in their individuality and place within the mission. YOU are enough as long as you are YOU.

December 6

You Can Do Hard Things

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 p.m. Eastern

Hannah Sande - Shift Supervisor, Burke County, NC
Life often presents us with difficult seasons and challenging times, but within every struggle, there exists a guiding light that leads us to a brighter tomorrow. We delve into the importance of acknowledging and embracing our emotions, even those we may be hesitant to confront. By doing so, we can find strength and healing in vulnerability. Together, we'll learn how to not just survive but thrive in the face of adversity, and how, by reaching in, we can make a profound impact on the lives of those around us.

December 6

Gold Sponsor Vendor Hall Session

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Eastern

Doug Showalter - CEO, Showalter & Company

Session: Are your supervisor’s really leaders?
Do you know people that were promoted for the wrong reasons, or shouldn't have been promoted, or just shouldn't be in a supervisor role?We all do, and that's why we will explore the world of supervision, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Many supervisors think a title will automatically give them the respect and admiration of their employees.

December 6

Coordinating Chaos: Navigating Your Own Personal Crisis

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Eastern

Emily Smith - Tactical Dispatcher, Cobb County 911, GA
Do you know what type of leader is best for the emergency dispatch center? If you said it was any leadership style that can create an effective team, you are correct. Good leadership encourages interaction and communication among members, a shared understanding, goals, interests, and mutual positive attitudes. In a technical and tactical job like emergency dispatch, the team must be empowered to use what they know and practice. This team confidence, cultivated by the team leader, promotes operational effectiveness. Are you an effective team?

December 6

ESA Dispatchers

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Eastern

Heather Blaney - Public Safety Telecommunicator, Knox County 911, IN

Emotional Support Animal, or ESA, Dispatchers: Mental Health and wellness in our profession is often overlooked or just simply put on the back burner. We have had unexpected major success with our ESA dispatcher with our mental health, our attraction and retention of employees, community education and involvement and I want to share this experience with whoever will listen. Thinking beyond dogs and cats, any type of domestic animal can be an ESA Dispatcher and taking into account allergies it would be a fantastic option. Most people wouldn't think of a skunk, reptile or pig as an ESA but we do. Thinking beyond just cats and dogs we will discuss alternatives to traditional ESA options. We will also discuss the legal difference between an ESA and Service Animal, how to start a pet/animal policy at your center, pros and cons and the dreaded liability.

December 6

Nourished for Optimal Health - Even in High Stress

1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Eastern

Natalie Hunt - CEO & Founder, NatPacks
It's no secret high stress levels as a first responder can contribute to serious health problems. In this class, we dive into nourishing the body for optimal health to improve both, mental and physical wellness.

December 6

NextGen 911 and Practical Implications for Management: Preparing for the mental health impact

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eastern

Dr. Angela Johnson - Licensed Professional Counselor
With the increase of NextGen 911 video to 911, are agencies prepared for the mental health impact of witnessing calls in progress? We will discuss practical action steps to prepare dispatchers for what they are about to see.

December 6

Realistic Wellness for Dispatchers

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Eastern

Lori Henricksen - Owner, Training/Consultation, BX3 Public Safety LLC
Lily Petersen - Communications Specialist Supervisor, Las Vegas Fire & Rescue, NV
Are you tired of hearing “just take a nice walk, eat healthy, and at least 8 hours of sleep each night” to relieve stress? How do you do that when you’re working back-to-back 14-hour shifts, and have a family at home, and don’t have enough time to sleep, let alone meal prep healthy food? Come learn about realistic ways to have better health and wellness in the 9-1-1 career, and where to find the support inside and outside of your agency to do so.

December 6

After the Greatness - Live Broadcast

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Eastern


After the Greatness is a live broadcast that can be watched on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The show recaps the days events and will include guests.

December 7

Do it with Kindness

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Eastern

Juliet Brown - Supervisor, WestComm, MA
I’ve been asked how I still love my job, almost a decade in, with all of the sugar honey iced tea we deal with on a daily basis. We all have centers with negative nancies, and none of us want to get there, but how do we ensure that we continue on the path to success and don’t get swallowed by the negativity? The answer is kindness. Kindness to our callers, to our coworkers and responders, and to ourselves. In this session, we will talk about how to find the silver lining in every call that we take, and every interaction that we have, in order to not fall into the negativity trap that sometimes seems inevitable.

December 7

You don’t just teach you Inspire

9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Eastern

Josephine Rios - Founder, Latinas of 911
10 things to tell yourself as a CTO

December 7

“Are You Okay? Are You Really Okay?”

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Eastern

Connie R. Gartin - Ret. Communications Supervisor, NCSHP
Today's Telecommunicators are more stressed than ever. We've been dealing With COVID crises and regulations, ever-changing rules and policies, and the revolving door of employees is spinning faster than ever. "Short-staffed" has become the norm, not the exception. But through all this, have you forgotten to take care of yourself? How are you really doing? Let's focus on strategies to help YOU.

December 7

The Anchor Approach

11:45 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Eastern

Brandi Powell - Founder, Good Mourning LLC
The Anchor Approach is a call taking technique for crisis callers that takes into account the caller’s “anchor” In a metaphorical sense, a person's anchor refers to something or someone that provides stability, support, and a sense of grounding in their life.Just as a physical anchor holds a boat in place, a person's anchor can serve a similar purpose by providing emotional or psychological stability. This approach shifts their focus to what grounds them and allows the caller to perceive hope in the darkness.

December 7

“Just a dispatcher” informal leadership

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Steve Turchin - Supervisor, Surprise PD, AZ
We have all heard someone say "I'm just a dispatcher ." We will discuss how a dispatcher can be an integral part as an informal leader. You're probably doing it and don't even know.

December 7

Effective Suicide Intervention and Communications

2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Eastern

Amanda Whitney - 911 Dispatcher, South Sioux City, NE
Like it or not 911 dispatchers are often the first contact for a caller contemplating suicide and in some cases, the last. This critical training explores key and life-saving skills 911 dispatchers can add to their toolbelt from an instructor with experience on both sides of the call.

December 7

Public Education Is More Than Teaching Kids to Dial 911

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern

Erika Lakey, ENP, CMCP - 911 Support System Specialist
Sure, it’s fun going to schools and teaching five-year-olds how to dial 911, but how are we educating the community? Is there a difference in teaching students and adults? 911 Public Education is not one-size-fits-all. Know your target audience and what laws apply to them. Learn different strategies that can be applied to different interest groups (i.e. business owners, school districts) to create a more educated community. Bonus points if you are able to educate on 911 AND recruit 911 dispatchers!

December 7

Climbing the Ladder: Career Development in Public Safety Communications

4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Eastern

Rich Troshak - Director of NGS Outreach, VDEM

Many say dispatching is a dead-end job. This presentation explores how to develop an exciting career in this rewarding profession. Will discuss professional development through planning, goal setting, and training. Will also cover basic interviewing techniques. With the information presented, along with a winning attitude, you can be on the fast track to success!

December 7

After the Greatness - Live Broadcast

6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Eastern


After the Greatness is a live broadcast that can be watched on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The show recaps the days events and will include guests.